Hi I'm working on a game and i have a picture for the title screen but it shows up infinitely so I was wondering if anyone knew the code to make pictures not show up infinitely but still show only 1 of them? If so please tell me
This question loops itself.

Are you using the skin interface for this image? or are you using the map for it.
In response to Midgetbuster
the picture is on the map. But like i said it shows up Infinite times
Your probably using a "turf" to display the image and you may be adding multiples of that turf or having it on some kind of new call or something similar.


icon = 'youriconpath.type'

should be all you need to display a "title screen" but you will then need to add additional things to click and whatnot

there are plenty of demos on this.
just search
You probably used fill when placing it on the map. when you select the image to be place, make sure 'add' is what you're using and that you only place it once. I've had this issue before myself.
Could be the map_format variable not being set to TILED_ICON_MAP.