Hi, I'm only recently returning to BYOND and seem to be having a problem that i can't remember having years ago when I was using it.

On the map when I'm designing my world, my icons are not overlapping like I thought they should. For example, I have a section of roof that doesn't take a full 32x32 block, so the rest of the block behind it is filled in with the clear mask, but when I place that piece on the map, instead of overlapping the grass behind it, it deletes the grass entirely.

How do I fix this problem?
I don't know If I entirely understood that but if you press:

CTRL + Click

when placing a new turf, it'll overlap the existing one.
You might have not changed the 'Click Behavior,'
Currently, you have to ctrl+click to NOT replace; but to layer.

This can be changed by going into the map, options menu, and click on the 'Click Behavior' button, where it'll allow you to change this.
In response to JackSmoke
Thank you, it's been a while since I've used BYOND and last time I did, I don't think that was in effect.

Thanks again for your time.
In response to St Christophear
St Christophear wrote:
Thank you, it's been a while since I've used BYOND and last time I did, I don't think that was in effect.

Thanks again for your time.

No problem.