I want to change the players icon if theyre on water. Would i use the isicon() proc or something else?
The 'loc' variable will always be the location of the mob, if they're on the map it will be a turf.

usr << usr.loc
The location of a mob is stored in its loc variable.

You would use istype() to check the type of that location.

You would probably want to do this in Move(), as that's generally called when a mob's loc changes.
In response to Nadrew
I need to know if theyre standing on /obj/Water/water1
not if theyre at x,y,z
In response to Quiet Screams
If it's an object you'll have to use locate() to find it.
var/obj/water/W = locate() in loc
if(W) // This'll happen if there's water at your location.
// Do stuff here.
In response to Nadrew
but after that how would u change the iicon sorry for butting in ? would it be for example icon = "player_in_water.dmi"
In response to Garthor
Might it be better if he does a check inside the water turf's Entered() proc?
if(ismob(a) && a.icon != 'mob_in_water.dmi')
a.icon = 'mob_in_water.dmi'