I've been messing around with the interface stuff a bit and I'm trying to figure out how I can get a window to show up when the player logins in and that simply shows the map until they finish logging into their player character.
I've managed to get the map to show up in an extra pane at the start, while hiding the main interface. But once they load their character and that pane is hidden, the child holding the map in the main window remained black. I'm sure I'm not quite doing something correct, so I'd appreciate it if someone could clear that up for me. Thanks guys.
Nov 15 2010, 11:16 am
Nov 15 2010, 11:24 am
This would be easier if you wouldn't mind showing the code you used for that...because right now what your saying isn't sounding right in my head.
There can be only one map control that is an actual viewport into the world. All other map controls can only be used to hold objects in client.screen. See: http://www.byond.com/ members/?command=reference&path=atom%2Fmovable%2Fvar%2Fscree n_loc
In response to Garthor
Only one map control allow eh? So, I can't have a single screen that's just the map expand into the full interface upon loading then? Or is there some sort of work around?
In response to Pyro_dragons
You could just use the single same map element for both purpose, as you can resize and reposition the map element at run-time.