How would you code a icon next to a verb, like Run and then next to run the is a picture of a man running (used with dream maker dmi)
I am also having the same problem, i have a crappy looking box figure but i dont know how to make him look like he's walking. I've got him facing in the four different directions but no steps
In response to Codefreak101
what code did you use to make it next to the verb?
In response to Nik_Uchiha808
I haven't the slightest clue how to do such things, i was hoping i could learn lol
In response to Codefreak101
Lol okay maybe someone will reply :)
In response to Nik_Uchiha808
Haha i hope so
You cannot display icons next to verbs. What you can do is create an object with the name "Run" and have its Click() proc execute the appropriate verb.
In response to Garthor
so your saying make an icon like

icon = 'icons.dmi'
icon_state = "Run"

then what lol
In response to Codefreak101
You're on the right track, Codefreak.

icon = 'icons.dmi'
icon_state = "Run"
//input running code here

Now we have an obj called Run, where when it's in your inventory, it will display the icon 'icons.dmi' with the Run icon state, which will also be labeled "Run". Once clicked, it will run what ever you decide will make your character run, such as setting a "running" var to 1, and when they call client.move() you can do a check to see if their running var is one, and then have it sleep() a certain delay depending on if their "running" var is TRUE or not. Or better yet, you can just set a movement delay var to a lower value, and just always have client.move() sleep()ing what ever that delay is.