_> Me and My Ideas xD.

set name = "View Clans"
set category = "Commands"
var/html = {"
<table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor="blue">
<body bgcolor=darkblue><center><table bgcolor=black border>
<tr><td colspan=100%><font color = white><center><b>Clan List<br>Clan Count: </td></tr>
<tr><td><font color = white><b>Clan Name<th><font color = white>Members<th><font color = white>Leader</th></td></tr>"}

for(var/V in ClanList)
html+={"<tr><td><b><font color = white>[V]<th><font color = white>>_><th><font color = white>>_></th></td></tr>"}

src << browse(html,"size=400x360,window=Updates)


Well i want this to Show Clan List. Well they appear, but how do i make it shows the Clan Leader and How alot of members Joined in it?

-Gohan :D
I believe 100% of the BYOND Game devs use Clans/Guilds as Datums. So they have variables,they provide them self as a type, they come up in the tree(no use).

like for instance
//usr<<"Guild Name = []"
// you give the Clan info via the variables however you want.

... //blah what ever you define"Losers" // name of the Guild/Clan
//same manner access all variables.

In response to Getenks
Ok, Thanks. Now another problem how do i add a Guild/Clan?
You should read the guide and some articles at Dream Makers. I know you won't and it's pointless to tell you to. So, I'll give you a freebie. =P
var/list/clans[] //Add new clans to this, be sure to check that it exists before hand.
var/name //The name of the clan.
var/leader //The leader of the clan.
var/list/members //A list of members in the clan.

if(clans) //If the list exist
for(var/clan/c in clans) //Loop through all clans in the list.
src<<"[c] - [c.leader] - [c.members.len]" //The ouput.

In response to Ulterior Motives
nvm, Thanks both of you i figured it out.
In response to Gohan Games
set name = "View Clans"
set category = "Commands"
var/html = {"
<table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor="blue">
<body bgcolor=darkblue><center><table bgcolor=black border>
<tr><td colspan=100%><font color = white><center><b>Clan List (The Clans Going to Show By Creation Date)<br>Clan Count:
<tr><td><font color = white><b>Clan Name<th><font color = white>Members<th><font color = white>Leader</th></td></tr>"}

for(var/clan/c in clans)
html+={"<tr><td><b><font color = white><a href=?Action=ClanInformation&src=\ref[src]>[]</A><th><font color = white>[c.members.len]<th><font color = white>[c.leader]</th></td></tr>"}

src << browse(html,"size=400x360,window=Updates")

var/html = {"
<table border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bordercolor="blue">

html+={"<body bgcolor=darkblue><center><table bgcolor=black border>
<tr><td colspan=100%><font color = white><center><b>Descrption:
[c.desc]<br>Members: [c.members]</td></tr>"}

src << browse(html,"size=400x360,window=Updates")

I want this code to show the Clicked Clan Description. but when i click a Clan Name and there is more than 2 clans it show two clans desc. and i want this to show only the description of clicked clan name. Any idea?
In response to Gohan Games