xD, Someone knows how to make a pokemon Appear when you walk form Grass? But no one pokemon like 2 or 3.


PD: If you need a Better Desc, Tell me =O
It depends on what you're trying to do. A better description would be nice.
In response to Mega fart cannon
Ok, Lets make more desc. Well when mob/Player (The user) is walking in Tall Grass a rand makes 1 pokemon appear, of 4 Pokemons.
Look up Entered().
Also, along the way you'll most likely also want to look up prob() and pick() for randomization, lists (for storing the pokemon types or IDs that can appear in a given area - you could look up /areas while you're at it) and new() for creating a new pokemon object or whatever you want to do.
An example:
wild_pokemon = list(/obj/pokemon/Pikachu, /obj/pokemon/Pichu)
if(istype(p,/mob/player)) //you could check if there's currently a player logged into the mob by checking its client var instead
var/area/A = src.loc
if(A.wild_pokemon) //if the area was given an initialized list (make sure it's not empty)
var/chosen_poke_type = pick(A.wild_pokemon)

var/pokemon = new chosen_poke_type(src)

//do whatever...
src << "You battle [P]!"

With an implementation like that, you'll need to lay down an appropriate area for each region on the map that has wild pokemon, of course.
In response to Gohan Games
so you what your saying is you want 1 of 4 different kinds of pokemon to randomly appear?
In response to Dariuc
Yes. Thanks Kaioken.