I'm not even sure how to explain it. I want to give admins the ability to add more admins but and I have a nice little verb for it. The problem I can't use it on people. I'm not sure how to select people... like a target or something. And really, I'd rather have it so I can add an admin from anywhere on the map, not just standing next to the player or in the view.

So what I'm asking for is a way to make all the players logged in to the game at the time pop up in a list when I use the verb.

Sorry for being a noob ;)

mob/GM/verb/Give_Powers(mob/M as mob in world) 
if(M.client) //Checks if the (M) is a Player and not a NPC
usr<<"You gived [M] Admin Powers"
//You Gived a Player Admin Verbs ^^
//Now to give verbs
usr<<"You cant give Admin Verbs to a NPC"

Thats a Simple Give Admin Verb.

In response to Gohan Games
Thanks bunches.

But now how do I set what verbs it gives?

Just fill in more verbs underneath M.verbs+=/mob/GM/verb/Give_Powers/

M.verbs+=/mob/GM/verb/Delete_Object/ ?????

Then, of course, give meaning to Delete_Object, but still.
In response to The Miracle Worker
The Miracle Worker wrote:
Thanks bunches.

But now how do I set what verbs it gives?

Just fill in more verbs underneath M.verbs+=/mob/GM/verb/Give_Powers/

M.verbs+=/mob/GM/verb/Delete_Object/ ?????

Then, of course, give meaning to Delete_Object, but still.

To Give Verbs, Like Announce, Mute, Delete Object, Give Powers and that you need to do this:


But Be Sure, when u add a gm verb do this

mob/GM/verb/(Here the Verb)()

Edit: Where says (Here the Verb) Remove the ( )
In response to Gohan Games
Righto. AND now how do I make myself an admin? Again, sorry for being a noob. XD
In response to The Miracle Worker
No Problem. xD

if(usr.key=="The Miracle Worker")

In response to Gohan Games
I think that mob/GM/verb thing is messing with it. I can't seem to get the verb on my key.
In response to The Miracle Worker
The Miracle Worker wrote:
I think that mob/GM/verb thing is messing with it. I can't seem to get the verb on my key.

Sorry, src.verbs+=/mob/GM/verb/Announce/

I usually do it like this:
//For Adding the verb
//For Removing the verb
In response to Gohan Games
Am I supposed to use "GM" to set my key as a GM somehow? Because I can't get the verb unless I take /GM out.
In response to The Miracle Worker
Because when u add a GM Verb u dont add the mob/GM/verb
In response to Gohan Games
You lost me...
In response to The Miracle Worker
Well, if you want add a Verb you need do this


mob/GM/verb/Announce(ANN as message)
set category = "GM"
set name = "Announce"
world<<"<b><center>[usr] would like to Announce<br><br><center>[ANN]"

In response to Gohan Games
Look. I have
if(usr.key=="The Miracle Worker")

and I have
Give_Powers(mob/M as mob in world)
set category = "GM"
usr<<output("You gave [M] Admin Powers","Actions")
usr<<output("You cant give Admin Verbs to a NPC","Actions")

Remove_Powers(mob/M as mob in world)

And I'm still at a loss. I seem to have the verbs when I get on but after I choose a character I lose them. I just spent like 20 minutes going over my savefile system and couldn't find anything that would change my key or take away my verbs.
In response to The Miracle Worker
The Miracle Worker wrote:
Look. I have
>   Login()
> if(usr.key=="The Miracle Worker")
> usr.verbs+=/mob/GM/verb/Give_Powers/
> usr.verbs+=/mob/GM/verb/Remove_Powers/

and I have
> mob/GM
> verb
> Give_Powers(mob/M as mob in world)
> if(M.client)
> set category = "GM"
> usr<<output("You gave [M] Admin Powers","Actions")
> M.verbs+=/mob/GM/verb/Give_Powers/
> M.verbs+=/mob/GM/verb/Remove_Powers/
> else
> usr<<output("You cant give Admin Verbs to a NPC","Actions")
> Remove_Powers(mob/M as mob in world)
> if(M.client)
> M.verbs-=/mob/GM/verb/Give_Powers/
> M.verbs-=/mob/GM/verb/Remove_Powers/

And I'm still at a loss. I seem to have the verbs when I get on but after I choose a character I lose them. I just spent like 20 minutes going over my savefile system and couldn't find anything that would change my key or take away my verbs.

Well, When you Choose Character add the if(usr.key=="The Miracle Worker")
and the Verbs. and Tell me if that works.

In response to Gohan Games
In the Login() proc, you need to use src, not usr. And for any other proc other than Click procs.
In response to Howey
Oops, Sorry i was missing that =P

Howey you save the day !

In response to Gohan Games
Gohan Games wrote:
Oops, Sorry i was missing that =P

Howey you save the day !


I am a day saver. ^_^
In response to Gohan Games
I found it! Thank you. I was using a library so I wasn't familiar with my own code...

I had a New() process in my character loading code and I fixed it.
In response to The Miracle Worker
dude really u asked so many questions u got people to code for u lol =_= ur probably usin some rip library ....
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