Hello, im Gohan well i need help making a Global Mute, Global Ban and a Global MOTD, Like if i Global Mute a Guy he gets muted in all Online Servers. (Like Falacy).

Tnx. Gohan.
Hello, I'm Kaioken and I'm going to instruct you to read this page, so that you can learn the language and become capable of programming in it and doing what you want.

Alternatively, if you want someone else to program your game for you, post an ad to Classified Ads (or BYOND Anime's Classified Ads, if applicable).
In response to Kaioken
Kaioken wrote:
Hello, I'm Kaioken and I'm going to instruct you to read this page, so that you can learn the language and become capable of programming in it and doing what you want.

Alternatively, if you want someone else to program your game for you, post an ad to Classified Ads (or BYOND Anime's Classified Ads, if applicable).

i know to code, but i never maked a Global System
In response to Revolution Gohan
Lookup Export() and Topic() and that stuff :) the only way possible (unless you use a single mysql server for all) Still though *points to Kaioken's post* He makes a point, you should read the page.
In response to Leur
Yea, its good that page. =D Topic() its easy and Export() same but, mysql? idk