Hi,I was wondering how do I make a OBJ droid that allows you to switch view to and kind of switch mobs.By switching MOBS I meant that if you press your keypad,the recon moves but you're character no longer moves.I kind of get the "switch view part" but I'm kind of confuse about the second one.And also how will we switch back?
Look up some things like the client's eye, perspective, and mob variables.
In response to Popisfizzy
I need more info on MOB variables.What do you want me to do with it?Which mob variables?Method in using the mob variables?
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
Your going to have to override the default movement procs to check for an active recon droid, if recon droid, move that not the player.
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
He meant the client variable mob, which holds - surprisingly - the mob the client is controlling. Which probably is a bit excessive for this case, because all you likely want is movement which you can redirect via client/Move() ( if(recondroid) return recondroid.Move(); else return ..() ), and messing around with client/mob can screw things up if you haven't designed your game around it (for example: Login() and Logout() will be called, but most people use those as "player has connected / disconnected").
In response to Garthor
I love your whipping.