Um how do I recreate a cache transfer system?

mob/verb/transfer_cache(var/mob/M as mob in world)
var/obj/cache/C = locate() in usr
In response to Garthor
Um I don't meant to create an obj in the game.I meant how do I modify the BYOND cache system?
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
Um I don't meant to create an obj in the game.I meant how do I modify the BYOND cache system?

Aside from what Garthor posted, we need more information than just that.

Your sentence doesn't explain anything, so we have no idea what you're talking about.
In response to AJX
Okay,so when an icon/musics are shown to the player it moves to their RSC/cache.How do I make it move somewhere else?
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
In response to Garthor
Is that suppose to go with every other link you showed me?
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
I'm pretty sure you can't unless your clients are servers.
In response to Gr1m d4 r34p3r
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
Okay,so when an icon/musics are shown to the player it moves to their RSC/cache.How do I make it move somewhere else?

All audio appears in the user's cache directory as a wav file (for whatever reason) and can just be copied out by the user. Icons are encoded into the RSC and can't just be simply "taken out" via DM code when you have no file references, or generally no idea what you're looking for.

To steal dynamic content provided by users, you'll have to deal with the file resource before stuffing it into the cache. Using fcopy() you can save the file to the server's machine in the game directory, but more complicated methods of sending it to a central server or whatnot will require use of Export().

mob/verb/change_icon(i as icon)
src.icon = i