"Hello everyone, my problem is not a code problem as much as a [client.Graphics]
"I have made changes to my interface but now I want to change the default:

switch/alert(usr, "Do you want to play BYOND?", "Gaming Options", "Yes", "No")
if ("Yes")
else if ("No")

"I want to change the alert() window both as regular alert and switch/alert()
I think it's a command in the interface but I tried:

[Message] as Button
[Button1] as Button
[Button2] as Button
(Which is the argument structure of switch/alert())
and I entered alert and .alert in command but nothing worked.

I think I know how to fix it, I just don't know what the alert() Command is
called as a src.Command."

"Sorry for chatting in coding messages, but I thought it would be easier to
read and it's not a coding problem as much as a Developer Problem.

Skin so Far:

I'm not sure what you're actually asking. What is it you're trying to do?
I'm trying to make a Skin Interface File for the default Window of
 alert() |or| input() |or| List()

The Window itself and a way to use it's real Command Identity to change the Skin.
You can't reskin alert() and input(). They're built-in windows. The only option you have is to roll your own.