Alright, ive been pondering and messing with this but have yet to come up with a working product. Now my questions is how do i update a browser when the person changes a form. like say they choose there class and i want it to bring up the description in a table.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Mar 11 2009, 4:16 pm
Mar 13 2009, 6:14 am
You need to learn javascript my friend.
But fear not, it is rather simple and easy to learn with your knowledge of BYOND. Essentially what you want to do is have the initial description text for each race in the area of the table you want to display it and then set its display to none so it won't be displayed: <table> The worm info will be displayed but the other two will be hidden. Now you need to learn is how to define a function in javascript (again, this is easy), search through all IDs, set all info style.display to none...except for the one you want to appear (and call this function when a mouse clicks, you should find it easily in HTML DOM) |
In response to GhostAnime
Alright thanks, this is what i been looking for and now i have it kinda figured out just a lot more trial and error