Well, with the new BYOND 432 in place with the grid update, I was wondering, How do you center images in a gird?
I have no clue where to start, but I have tried some alternatives such as doing "
", but that doesn't work.

The grid code I use is as follows:
var/items = 0
for(var/obj/O in commandslist) items++
winset(src, "CommandsGrid", "cells=[items]x1")
for(var/obj/O in commandslist)
src << output(O, "CommandsGrid:[++items],1")
In the grid's style param, put in some CSS that will center it. Then, output the object and see if it works. I'm not too familiar with grids (they're weird!), but that should work.
In response to Jeff8500
I entered body {text-align: center} but that doesn't seem to work, I need something that will make the icons centered. Or an alternative.