How may I use this proc, I know it's kinda nooby to ask but I need to know.
// only allow subscribers to host
return ..()

I'm using the "full_access" thing on BYOND for subscribers.
I need to know how to make it so when someone tries to host and there not a subscriber, the game will not let them host.

The current mob/var for Subcribers is "full_access"
I would guess you check the value of and then return ..(port) to let the port open.
In response to Stephen001
Yeah, something like that, but is set to a text string (key), not a client object, so you can't do it directly like that. In fact the host may not even be logged in, if he's hosting through Dream Daemon, which could be a little problematic...
In response to Kaioken
That would teach me not to wing an answer without checking the documentation. Presumably with DreamDaemon you'd either reject it outright (boo) or read in a 'host' value from somewhere.