
I made sure I had the GM variable true. So how would I get it so you can double click anywhere on the map and your character will TRY to walk there? (No pathfinding please)

By the way, GM variables are bad. Make a list of keys with GM, then check if the players key is in the list instead.
In response to Jeff8500
It's not my game. Just a game I'm coding for. How come variables are bad? >_>
In response to Jeff8500

Still not working >.<

I used turf in place of area and it worked! Why can't I use area! :(
In response to Mizukouken Ketsu
Lists are more flexible, and you're going to need one anyway (unless you do tons of ugly repeated checks). A GM variable would also be easy to edit with a hex editor, probably, whereas a list would give more trouble.
In response to Mizukouken Ketsu
Because an area covers more than one point on the map. A turf _is_ a single coordinate, and areas can contain multiple turfs.
In response to Sgeo
I tried area so I didn't have to do
In response to Mizukouken Ketsu
Oh, you can't use area because areas are displayed below all atoms. Use turf or atom (if you use atom, use precautions to make sure the player isn't clicking on objects in a grid or a stat panel).
In response to Jeff8500
I had already tried atom and it didn't work either