1.) How do you place text in the command bar via code? (EX. Automatically put ''SAY'' in the command bar so it's easier to talk)

2.) How are you to make it so an icon displayed on the output window initiates a verb? (ex. clicking a chat bubble next to someone's name to whisper to them)

3.) Is there a way to hide a verb so that the ONLY WAY To access the verb is via a skin control or some other method? (ex. if set hidden is set to 1, players can still type out the command to hide it)

4.) HTML Related question: sends all form data to Topic(), however. It looks like a button. Is there any way to get the submit to work via hyperlink? Looks a lot neater to me
1) when ur making the skin put input then click it to get the general anchors etc and go to options and type in OOC i think thats correct

2) im not entirlly sure on but ill see what i can dig up

3) no u cant

Kakashimaster1100 SAVES TEH DAY HAHAHAH
In response to Kakashi1100
Wrong. 1.) Wasn't correct...

I just looked it up through a differet guide than the one i was using

command_text was what i was looking for
In response to Kakashi1100
Kakashi1100 wrote:
1) when ur making the skin put input then click it to get the general anchors etc and go to options and type in OOC i think thats correct

2) im not entirlly sure on but ill see what i can dig up

3) no u cant

Kakashimaster1100 SAVES TEH DAY HAHAHAH


1.) You can use client/command_text = "say " (for example)

2.) If you mean an image such as something in the text window (like when using say and its right next to them) then you'd want to try to use some HTML like <*a href=?Test><*IMG CLASS=icon SRC=\ref[src.icon] ICONSTATE='[src.icon_state]'><*/a> then set a link from client/Topic() to whatever link name such as Test.

Also, remove the *'s for it to work.

An example:
if(href == "Test")
//insert your PM function here
. = ..()

Though, this can work,
In response to MasterLink2003
MasterLink2003 wrote:
Kakashi1100 wrote:
1) when ur making the skin put input then click it to get the general anchors etc and go to options and type in OOC i think thats correct

2) im not entirlly sure on but ill see what i can dig up

3) no u cant

Kakashimaster1100 SAVES TEH DAY HAHAHAH


1.) You can use client/command_text = "say " (for example)

2.) If you mean an image such as something in the text window (like when using say and its right next to them) then you'd want to try to use some HTML like <*a href=?Test><*IMG CLASS=icon SRC=\ref[src.icon] ICONSTATE='[src.icon_state]'><*/a> then set a link from client/Topic() to whatever link name such as Test.

Also, remove the *'s for it to work.

An example:
> client/Topic(href)
> if(href == "Test")
> //insert your PM function here

Thanks man. I figured it out on my own, and I come back to see you already answered the question. Thanks man!

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