Help im looking for a transformation guide if there is one can u point me in the right direction so i can learn how to code in inuyasha demon trans?
In response to A.T.H.K
and before you take ATHK's advice negatively, keep in mind there is no guide for such specific things. there is no pre-made code or tutorial beyond what the basics can provide.

the idea exists in your head, and you serve yourself best by fleshing out the idea on paper (or on the computer) then translating that idea into code. something along the lines of:

transformation verb
check if user can use this verb
-does he/she have enough power/points?
-is character the right race/class/species for transformation?
-is he/she alive?
-are they currently in combat, etc.?
if any of the above are true, then perform transformation
-show animation or icon of the transformation
-boost stats, if necessary

the above is a kind of 'pseudo-code' meant to lay out how a piece of programming is designed to work. You take this rough idea and convert it into the appropriate DM code. For example:

  -does he/she have enough power/points?

might translate into:

 if (usr.power_level > 65)
transform = TRUE

the point is that only you know how something should work. it's just a matter of taking the time to piece it together, testing along the way until you have a working 'code'.
In response to digitalmouse
o ok thx digitalmouse