how would i make it where when i walk out a certain area it switches 2 next map
Example: 6,10,1 but when i walk out a certain area teleports me to 1,1,2
i know it can be done but im puzzled any help would be appreciated
Jun 11 2008, 11:04 am
You could make teleporter tiles, and make it so their Enter() proc teleports the player.
In response to Seraphrevan
so i would make an invisible tile? then but that code in and when i step on it it will teleport meh to the area i want??
In response to Sesshomaru XX
come one i only need 2 more things to finish inuyasha game i have 5 maps already complete i just need 2 know when someone steps on a certasin tile it will tele them to that map lol plz tell me all the juicy details 0.0 not for me to figure out lol ive spent 3 months on this game its ready to be released! ^^
In response to Sesshomaru XX
You would use Entered() and not Enter().
/turf/grass You set the turf's tag that you want the user to be teleported to a string like "teleport_here" and then set the teleporter's id var to the destination's tag. You could use an area, though you'd need to create a separate one for each destination (I think). |
In response to Nickr5
In response to Sesshomaru XX
w8 nvm when i run across it it teles me but into a black area.... the whole 2nd map is filled with dirt so i dont see how it would be black stuck again plz help
In response to Sesshomaru XX
You didn't set the tag or ID like I said.
There are other better ways to do it, like specifying a tag instead of a coordinate, or defining a subtype that'll handle many instances of this behaviour, but I'll leave that for you to figure out.