Bump(mob/m) //when you bump into it
if(istype(m,/mob)) //making sure it's a mob
m.hp-- //lowers their HP
m.Death_Check() //eh... obvious.
It never does anything.
Jun 7 2008, 6:33 pm
mob It never does anything. |
In response to Darkmag1c1an11
istype() works fine here. There's no need for him to switch.
In response to Popisfizzy
Well, it's not imperative that he change it, but I like it better >_>
In response to Darkmag1c1an11
Darkmag1c1an11 wrote:
Well, it's not imperative that he change it, but I like it better >_>if(ismob(whatever)) is just shorter from if(istype(whatever,/mbo)) >.>; |
2. Use the ismob() proc for this case.