And when making it so GMs would log in with their verbs, instead of putting:

usr.verbs += typesof(/mob/verb/GM)

I put:

usr.verbs += typesof(/mob/verb/GM)

And now people have GM verbs until updates. What I want to know is if this would 'cause what we call the "GM Bug" or would it be something else?
Don't use usr in procs.

Remove GM verbs and add them again IF they are GMs.
    //codes here..
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/GM/verb)
//codes here..
In response to Jemai1
1. I know not to use usr. Sometimes I just end up doing it though.

2. I was asking whether or not what I did would 'cause the "GM Bug". I've already got a verb for giving GM out. However it kind of gets tedious to keep doing it after pwipes.
In response to Demon_F0rce
If those verbs are saved, yes.
"GM3" always evaluates as true, so the statement " a==something || b==something || "gm3" " always evaluates as true, so the if statement is always executed.
In response to Jp
Ah, so it was causing it. The only problem is... Why did it only work for some and not others?
In response to Demon_F0rce
Because you used usr in procs?
In response to Jemai1
No that wouldn't be it. Because ALL MOBs are usr's. You're taught to use src in proc's because it is a more correct way and since 75% of the time a usr isn't involved.
In response to Demon_F0rce
Wrong. usr is the mob that ultimately called the function being executed. For a procedure, that may not be the mob you expect. It's quite possible to get some very weird effects from usr abuse. An example:

usr << "The fire burns you" //BAD! Don't use usr in procs!

Some simple code to display a message to people entering a turf. It works - try it out, you'll get the message if you walk into it. But a bit more investigation reveals the insidious effects of usr abuse.

Say you have some NPCs:

Every so often, you get runtime errors about accessing a null value in turf/fire/Entered(). What gives?

Well, mob/NPC/New() has a null usr, so when walk_rand() is called, that function gets a null usr. So when that ends up calling turf/fire/Entered(), /that/ has a null usr. You can see where this is going.

Worse yet, what if you can push players?

mob/verb/push(mob/m in view(1))

Some canny player tries to push an opponent into the fire - but the pusher gets burnt, not the pushee! What's going on?

Well, when push() is called, usr is the pusher - this makes sense. usr is safe to use in push(), because you know exactly who it is - the person who called the 'push' verb. I calls step_away on m, making it take a step away from src (which is probably equivalent to usr right now). So m.step_away() has been called with usr == the pusher. So when it enters the fire turf, usr == the pusher.

Which proc is this GM code in?
In response to Jp

Well, not only did I learn the problem, but you solved a runtime error I have (at least I think you did...). Thanks!
In response to Jp
Demon_F0rce wrote:
And when making it so GMs would log in with their verbs,..

Login() proc
This would be so much better and easier if you used a list.
In response to Demon_F0rce
Hmmm... usr really shouldn't be used in mob/Login(), but I'm not certain it'd cause only some players to have this weird stuff going on. You might want to check if removing that usr (if you don't specify a source, it defaults to src) and fixing the if() fixes anything.
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
Wrong. usr is the mob that ultimately called the function being executed. For a procedure, that may not be the mob you expect. It's quite possible to get some very weird effects from usr abuse. An example:

> turf/fire/Entered()
> usr << "The fire burns you" //BAD! Don't use usr in procs!

Some simple code to display a message to people entering a turf. It works - try it out, you'll get the message if you walk into it. But a bit more investigation reveals the insidious effects of usr abuse.

Say you have some NPCs:
> mob/NPC/New()
> walk_rand(10)

Every so often, you get runtime errors about accessing a null value in turf/fire/Entered(). What gives?

Well, mob/NPC/New() has a null usr, so when walk_rand() is called, that function gets a null usr. So when that ends up calling turf/fire/Entered(), /that/ has a null usr. You can see where this is going.

Bad example. usr is set to src in mob/New(). I wouldn't rely on this behavior, though, because it's still a bad practice.

The pushing example is good, though.