Apr 22 2008, 12:27 pm
Does anyone have a link to deadron's login system because that currently what I am using and I need to change fonts in it, oh and can anyone tell me how to change my font style to Comic Sans MS so whenever I use my say or shout verb it shows it in comic sans MS,oh and also the font size,and font color,along with a code to enter a building like enter() then src.loc=locate(1,2,1) because my code doesn't work,Thanks.
In response to Eternal Desire
I was a decent coder like a year ago but I haven't been on BYOND for like a year but I do know that the code you just said isn't right, but thanks anyway
In response to Element Hero creator
uh-huh. >.> well i use a similar fashion with Entered() to move around from area to area in my game, lol.
In response to Eternal Desire
In response to Element Hero creator
What Eternal Desire said was correct.
In response to Element Hero creator
ok I found the login system, now I just need to know how to enter a place and tele to the cord, and I need to know how to edit font sizes, font colors, and font types.
In response to Garthor
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
What Eternal Desire said was correct. oh ok, then now all I need to know are fonts. Can you help me out with that? |
In response to Element Hero creator
Can someone please close this
mind you i did just wake up...