No matter how many times I dive into the DM guide or how much motivation follows, the fact that I dislike reading to learn absolutly kills it. I love to explore and learn but that just isn't possible in the situation. So I need a mentor to help feed me tags and their uses as well as to check code lines with which I am having problems. At this point, I don't know a great deal. I have a small little test world I fiddle with but without guidence, it is pretty futile. MSN prefered but doesn't matter so long as we have a form of communicating.
In response to Garthor
Yes. Lovely. Went to those 2 months ago and have not gotten past them because they don't really show you how to do anything. The one from dantom doesn't work because wehn you assign the mob, it says undefined.

That being said they also don't help find mistakes if you mess up. They don't tell you how to set up a load screen or a save file which is pretty tedious yet important. I am not asking things to be handed to me but I do expect some guidance. Those are not guiding me along very well.
In response to Sin angel3
Eh those are pretty much your best bets. You just try something until you understand it, as for save files and etc, you should get the basics down pact first. Retry the tutorials, and closely examine the difference between your code and the one on the pages. You might wrack your brain over it(I did when I first started out), but you will eventually get it.