4 topic's that i didn't found relevantive guide/demo that work, what ever you guys will be able to help i will appreciate it alot :-), the topic's are:
*how do i do new statpanel of skill's(have there icon of skill that can be be clicked for use+click for drag+ his name side the icon)?
*how do macros for skills(do i must do it "verb" for macro it, can't i macro a "proc") i made?
*and finally how do i do the skill bar thing, i guess it combain all the thing's above, if you get code exmple/guide/demo(that can be download) that relevante for this i will try learn it alone from there i just didn't found something.
*dmg range:
for(var/mob/M in locate(A.x,A.y+1,A.z))//1 tile above
//all dmg thing's
propblem: something bugged there its dont realy work as i want sometime's it miss and sometimes hit while its dont look on game like the skills realy attack the enemy.
do you guys have any other method for good skill's range cheack?