how to be at two places in the same time? Like your in a house and in the same moment outside
The question is:

In response to Kaiochao2536
I need it for my naruto game I wanna do it for akatsukis so they can be in their base and in the same moment somewhere else.
In response to Team Broken Saints
Using /image and Move() you should be able to easily do this.
In response to Flame Sage
density = 1

set category = "Akatsuki"
set name = "Assemble"
var/mob/Assemble/A = new/mob/Assemble
A.loc = locate(676,988,2)
A.icon = usr.icon
A.overlays += usr.overlays = usr
client.eye= A
client.perspective= EYE_PERSPECTIVE

I dont really know what you mean (maybe cause im an idiot)

I tried something else but it dont move (Hmmmm xD oh yes I need to learn how to code)
In response to Team Broken Saints
It won't move because you're doing nothing to make it move.
You're not changing the Move() proc for /mob/Assemble, you're calling the default action. If you want to make it move, it has to respond to your actual movements.

This is how I usually do it, by making a variable.
var/mob/control //It's the mob being controlled.
Move() //It's the Move proc.
if(control) //If you are controlling something, do this stuff below.
var/oloc=loc //Your initial location. You need this unless you want your original mob to move too.
..() //Calls the default Move() action, moving you.
loc=oloc //Sends you back to your initial location. You do move, this sends you back to where you started.
step(control,dir) //By doing the default action, it changed your direction. Make the controlled mob step in your direction.
else ..() //If you're not controlling anything, do default action.

I'm sure there's a better way, but that's how I do it.
In response to Kaiochao2536
You're going to want to intercept movement at client/Move(), not mob/Move(). mob/Move() is not necessarily client input.