Well Heres another problem I seem to be stuck on When my character flies this happens for the left, right and up.

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If you can tell me the problem thanks in advance.
Iv seen stuff like that happen to multi tile stuff, idk anything to fix it, but it happens :P
You'd need to tell us what the problem is and show us the code if you want to receive help.
In response to DivineO'peanut
ok here are the Aura codes and the fly.

set category = "Ki"
src.laura = 1
if(src.state == "Normal")
src<<"An aura flows around you."
src.overlays += new/obj/technique/Overlays/auratop
src.overlays += 'tech_aura(bottom,Normal).dmi'
src.aura_on = 0
if(src.state == "Super Saiyan")
src<<"An aura flows around you."
src.overlays += new/obj/technique/Overlays/ssauratop
src.overlays += 'tech_aura(bottom,supersaiyan).dmi'
src.aura_on = 0
src<<"You're aura fades away."
src.aura_on = 1
src.overlays -= new/obj/technique/Overlays/auratop
src.overlays -= 'tech_aura(bottom,Normal).dmi'
src.overlays -= new/obj/technique/Overlays/ssauratop
src.overlays -= 'tech_aura(bottom,supersaiyan).dmi'

set name = "Flight"
set category = "Ki"
if(usr.meditate == 1)
if( = 0
src.density = 1
src.icon_state = ""
if( == 0)
src.icon_state = "fly" = 1
src.density = 0

Can someone Tell me how to fix the I know it has something to do with the movement like NORTH, WEST, EAST, SOUTH and the positioning of the tile like usr.x-1,y2 etc. but I don't know the exact way.
In response to SareX-Productions
As I said, you'd need to tell us what the problem is. What is wrong with the image you've showed us, and what are the expected results?
In response to DivineO'peanut
Ok It's quite obvious whats wrong with it but if you can't see the image well let me describe it for you. Ok When I fly standing still the aura is positioned normal with a overlay on the mob and one above but when I move for example left its show on the picture the back part of the aura is still above the mob when is suppose to be on the right of it to make a complete aura and vice versa when moveing right... I can't describe it any better then this so please have a solution.

It looks like your going to have to adjust the pixel_x, and pixel_y. Or, becuase its going to be facing different angles, and sticking out at different directions, what you might have to do is make 4 icons. Then, have each icon only represent one direction. For example, flyaura1 would have only have an icon for south, leaving the rest of the dirs blank, and then adjust the pixel_y so that it fits. I know I explained that really poorly, but im in class! Gotta run.