How would i go about checking to see if a player has certain software installed, like DirectX 9.0?

Or if their video card supports shade Rendering 2.0?
Not in BYOND. There's no need to check for this in BYOND... Just trust that they do, if you really think you need to check for it.

My only question is why?
In response to Ter13
I rather not say, its for my project, also I always wanted to know, for c++ as well.

So is there a way? I just want to check for it, if they don't have it, I would promt for a Download for it.
In response to Signaki Corp
you can check hardware with VB i know for sure, which means most likely you can do it with c++
in VB u use the windows32 class i beleive
In response to Falacy
Well, of course you can check for it with C++...

I thought he was talking about in BYOND... I don't think this is useful for a BYOND program, but for a C++ program, yeah, it really is.

You shouldn't have to tell your users where or how to get Dx9. Personally, I'm more a fan of OpenGL these days, and I'm all for games supporting BOTH rendering methods... Though, that's just me.

I think there's a way to get the DirectX version included in the DXSDK libraries... But I don't delve in C++ much anymore, so I'm not the one to ask.

If you are using the DirectX SDK you can check dxsdkver.h for further documentation.


These constants contain the build and release versions of the DXSDK. The ones you want to use are _DXSDK_PRODUCT_MAJOR and PRODUCT_MINOR

the major product version for 9.0c is 9, and the minor version, I think, is 4...

Don't quote me on that, as I'm not 100% certain, but I think all you really gotta do is check those, and error out of the program if the user doesn't have this version of DirectX...

I wouldn't REQUIRE them to have 9.0c, but I'd require they have >=9 >=04, that way, future builds of DirectX will also be compatible with your program.