Is it possible to have 2 output boxes, one used as a chat box and other with stuff like attack messages.
I tried setting my main chat box as default and 2nd attack box is normal(didn't check default).
Code I used for regular chat box is like 3.5
src << "Blah"

But with the attack box I tried
src << output2("Blah")
But it didn't work.
In response to Crunched
Thanks for the help, it works good.
Give the chat output box the default value, and give the second one an ID of Attackouput then do this when you attack:
world << output("[usr] attacks!","default.Attackouput ")

P.S. see how it is
"default.Attackouput "
the world default is the ID of your window that contains the Attack ouputbox, so make sure to have the right name here