
I'll make this short and quick.

Let's say that you have a tab named "Weapon Skills". Would it be possible to make subcategories like:

Weapon Skills tab--



I'm asking this because I want to save some space and not end up with too many tabs, can get annoying especially when in Combat and you have to switch tabs to your Weapon Skills(Yeah I know macroes are made for this stuff but still..)

Anyone? Pretty please:)..

Thanks in Advance!
In the current version of BYOND (3.5), you can do this by using objects to act as commands and show them in the statpanel. These pseudo-verbs are describe more in detail in Shadowdarke's statpanel and verb article in BYONDscape which you can find here.

However, in BYOND 4.0, which is rumoured to be Around The Corner ™ © 2003-2007, you will have more control over where you place your controls. This can make it possible to have two separate statpanels if you wish. Just a tiny bit more waiting to do!
In response to Unknown Person
Thank you, btw.. incase your still reading this topic..

Say a verb's set hidden = 1. And it is supposed to show up if the user equips his gun.(Yeah I want this through the hidden stuff and not just removing / adding the verb.)

How would you do that because it only reads the last line containing hidden and takes that as a hidden or not depending if it's 1 or 0..

=/ know how to do this?
In response to Kin_Playa
You could try it with a mob.contents tab..and adding a Click() proc to an object.
In response to Kin_Playa
Instead of setting it hidden(I don't think you can change that setting), try using the inivisible var(seek the DM Reference). You could also set a variable whenever it equips to 1 and then you could give the player the verb then, or you could make the verb return if the gun is not worn(you need to set a variable).
In response to Kazekage
Hmm, k.

Thanks alot guys.