Does anyone else have this problem? Whenever I click on a link to a Youtube video, it just shows me the source for the page, so I have to go and find IE if I wanted to watch that video.

I am not sure what version I am using, the info thing was a little confusing. It says:
Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/random numbers Firefox/

Try another profile. Run "firefox -p" and create a new profile. If the new one still does it, you have something wrong with your Firefox, if not, it is just a profile thing. Probably just an extension acting up.
Danial.Beta wrote:
Try another profile. Run "firefox -p" and create a new profile. If the new one still does it, you have something wrong with your Firefox, if not, it is just a profile thing. Probably just an extension acting up.

It appears that something is wrong with my Firefox. Do I have to uninstall-reinstall it? Or is there a patch or something I can use?
Thats really odd, you could try to re-install it or get the firefox 3 beta.