Okay what I want is sometihng like in castle where the mobs fiollow specific paths,

I read the dm guide, and looked at walk_twoards....step_twoards but i didnt understadn them

a example is like

| |
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This shows the D(emon) walking south 5 places then right 5 times or so
A simple way would be to just setup a proc that makes them step how many times they need to in a certain direction, but if that path changes, that wouldn't work too well. If your case is the latter, try hub searching path movement or something like that..I believe I saw a demo/library sometime last year of a train following a track that would tell you how to set it up like you want.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
They arent really following any certain obj, i've read about step_twoards, but I don't get what it dose, because i don't want it to go to a certain obj. if you have ever played castle ab abra you know hwat i mean, where the wal to the door. and you have to stop them, I want to figure out how to make them move like they do in castle, jsut diffrent ways.