ok so how do i make a login turf thing or how do i find like a picture taht says load and save and stuff or do i make it and wher do i make it at plz help?
slow down, geez... it's called a loginscreen...

icon = 'loginscreen.bmp'//or .png
icon_state = ""/*if there is only one icon in the
loginscreen icon file then leave this as it is, but if there
is more than one, name the one you want to put up and then
put the name in the icon_state quote marks :)
In response to Jman9901
thnx i also need to know how do i get the picture and put load and save and all taht
In response to Dimone Jr

Maybe something similar to this you're looking for?
In response to Rifthaven
thnx i hope this is wat im lookin for
In response to Rifthaven
hey i know how now but how do i create the bmp file