Like for host(Reboot, Repop, Kick, Mute)
and like for GM (Kick, Ban(Timed ban), Mute, Repop.)
and Owner (Give Rank, Take Rank, Change Rank Name, All Gm and host powers)
but i can't figure them out the DM ref guide was no help and no guides tell me how
I also need help fixing my View_Description verb
set category = "Character"
set desc = "View other character's description"
usr.desc in view()
usr << "[usr] looks like [usr.desc]"
And for your View_Descrtiprtion() verb, you've got a number of problems, there:
usr.desc in view()
This line does nothing.
this line is improper syntax. Statements cannot be seperated by a comma. You need a newline there, instead. Additionally, setting target to "M" likely is useless. Additionally, M is not defined as anything here. However, because there is nothing that would bring another object into this proc (such as using "set src in view()" or an argument) you'll need to do that first before you can view something's description. [usr.desc] is certainly not what you want: that's the "desctiprtion" of the person clicking the verb.