How do I get a video to stream in the browser, such as a Youtube Vid.

I've managed to get it to work with Putfile once before, but putfile's ''streaming'' is temporary then I have to redo the code. (It's because the address to the video always changes)
Is there a site that allows you to upload videos without it converting to flash format?
Im pretty sure on youtube it will say the HTML code needed to put them on a site. And as for flash, google it.
In response to Revojake
I'm talking about putting it in the actual BYOND Browser.
In response to Mista-mage123
And so is he, pretty much.
In response to Kaioken
Kaioken wrote:
And so is he, pretty much.

I used the HTML Snippet from Youtube, and it seems to work. But when you hit the PLAY Button, it doesnt play, just ''loading''
In response to Mista-mage123
Mista-mage123 wrote:
I'm talking about putting it in the actual BYOND Browser.

Just link to the file:

target<<browse("<body onload=\"parent.location=''\"/>")