(See the best response by Shadowkaroth.)
Could someone show me a example of adding skills/skillcards to a skills grid/pane, pretty much the only thing I haven't been able to find.

Need help with that as well
Best response
MouseDrop( src_location, over_location )
if( over_lcation == NAMEOFGRID )
usr.skills += src


statpanel( "Skill Bar", skills )

Should give you the basics of utilizing some of this data. Use the reference for how to use MouseDrop().

We created a skillcard obj that has when being dragged from ANYWHERE checks to see if the drop location is equivalent to the correct grid name.

Then adds it to the skills variable that is being displayed in Stat() panel by just displaying all items in the list as objs.
In response to Shadowkaroth
Thank you, for your help.