So far I have

switch(input("What is the icon state?") in list("[icon_states(usr.icon)]"))

After that im stuck can someone help me with this?
1) You do not need in list("[icon_states(usr.icon)]")) the way you did it. icon_states() returns the icon states already in a list (list of text strings, if you look it up in reference), so you can simply say in icon_states(usr.icon)

2) Why do you want to use a switch() when you can directly change the icon_state?
icon_state = input("What is the icon state you want?") as null|anything in icon_states(usr.icon)

as null adds a cancel button to the input, clicking it will make the icon_state=null in this case

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
You know i dont really know why i wanted to use a switch well i do but, I like your reasoning much more. Thank you for helping me.