Whenever someone logs into My Game it says

Welcome BYOND! (3.5 Version 355.914)
Connecting to file://C:\DOCUME~1\LAITHN~1\LOCALS~1\TEMPOR~1\Content.IE5\8L YZ01QF\POKEMO~2.DMB.

BYOND(355.914) Error: missing or invalid Pokemon_SilverWing[2].rsc file (0/8 resource files found).
BYOND(355.914) Error: error downloading resource file.

But whenever I log into my game straight from the Main Files
it Works Everything is Perfect...

Oh and I Have a Text Screen when I Log into my game through the Resource Files...Please Help..and you know when you got a game everything is in a Folder,the Resource Files,the Dmi Files,the DM Files and the Main game File,Do I Have my Files i the Right PLace if not Can someone Please Help me..

If you wanna see yourself download the Resource Files Here index.php?showtopic=6&st=0&
That link only has the .dmb file, you need to also have the .rsc file in order for it to work. Ask the person who uploaded it to build it as world resource files and just send you .zip file that DreamMaker creates.