ok well i was thinking while making my map.
for all intensive purposes lets use stairs as the example of this.
ok in our world if you have a set of stair if you are infront of them and continue to walk you will do up/over the stairs. while the same time if you go to the side of the stair if there is no wall you would be able to walk under them.
now my idea is lets say we have a standard directional stairway, what i want it to do is if your direction is NORTH then the layer of the stairs would go under you and you would continue, now if you were on the side of the stairs going WEST then you would go under the stairs...now the problem comes, what if someone is going up the stairs and someone is going under the same stairs would they be able to cross or would they bump (mob has standard density of 1).
how would you do about contructing the coding? is this even possible?
Feb 19 2007, 5:49 pm
Feb 20 2007, 7:03 am
Certainly possible, but possibly quite complex. You'd have to handle elevation, etc.
In response to Kaioken
could this be done by simple if-else (when looking at direction of user) statments or do you think that i would have to compare layers on top of let say someone on the same location?
In response to Chase_Hammer
You can with bitflags.
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