How do I make it where the turf wind blows you to the left if your just standing there?
You may want to look into using this library to pull off that effect. index.cgi?action=message_read&id=521446&forum=4&view=0
In response to Goten84
I can't download libraires due to my problems.

Send it to [email protected]
turf/WindTile// Could be an area withhout an Icon
icon = null
density = 0
var/WindPush = NORTH// Either: NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST etc
if(O.loc == src)
return 1
// WindPush is editable in Dream Maker's Map Maker (you will have to use 1 to 8)

Thatrs how i'd try to do it...
In response to Dark Bahamut
Hmm..., problems? Could you reinstall Byond or something? Can you download demos?

Here's an air system demo if you can download demos...
In response to Goten84
Goten84 wrote:
Hmm..., problems? Could you reinstall Byond or something? Can you download demos?

Here's an air system demo if you can download demos...

I can't even download anything.

I can't use the program to get stuff online.

Infact, I'm using a damn proxy to post! Earthlink = crap