This is what I put

set category = "Powers"
var/obj/stick/S = new(src) //create a Water Ball in my inventory
S.desc = "A strange power!"
view() << "[src] creates \an Water Ball from thin air!"
overlays += 'Waterball.dmi'
icon_state = "fireball"
Chakra = "100"
src << "You Feel its very hard to control."

Under the Chakra = "100"

it says Missing condition..
What am I missing?
The format of you if statement is incorrect.

// do this
// do this regardless

I'm fearful of this whole verb though. Why is this Water Ball being created as type /obj/stick (if it makes sense to you, then by all means go with it, it just seems odd to me)? There's also no need to use the \an macro if you're just using plain text to display "Water Ball" to the players.

It kind of looks like you're on the brink of dynamic verbs for special powers. Feel free to bounce ideas about it off of the folks in Design Philosophy before you get real deep into a hard coded system. =)