Well I just learned how to code yesterday, and I'm pretty n00b at it, I managed to make an equip system and a Inventory/stat system (Thanks to Dark emerald for helping me on the inventory system) I am just having trouble with a projectile system(with damage) along with a health/death mob. Can anyone tell me how to do these simple things?
Hey man, it looks like you are diving into this PRETTY fast. You sound like you are doing good. But you MAY not want to try and learn abounch of stuff really quick. It may get overwhelming. Unfortunatly, I don't know how to use projectiles.
In response to Revojake
Ya I've had a few brain cramps along the way, but for some reason I've tottaly have fallen in love with this project(not literally lol)
In response to Genius_boy001
I would suggest looking in the demo and libraries section to lean on those topics. Also ZBT's tutorials are really good for just starting out. You can find a link to them by using the tutorial link under rescources. This will take you to byondscape. Just type ZBT in the search at the top of byonscape and you'll be good to go :P
In response to FriesOfDoom
-_- none of them worked I just ran into more problems.
I'd recommend - if you seriously want to code in DM (DM = BYOND's language) - that you'd read the DM Guide completely.
The DM Guide is the official book for learning DM. There's no other alternative which teaches you just as much.

And yes, completely. Skimming is not an option here, as you'll miss many important features of DM.
In response to Android Data
Android Data wrote:
I'd recommend - if you seriously want to code in DM (DM = BYOND's language) - that you'd read the DM Guide completely.
The DM Guide is the official book for learning DM. There's no other alternative which teaches you just as much.

And yes, completely. Skimming is not an option here, as you'll miss many important features of DM.

DM guide and every tutorial is just a buch of words they arent usefull not one bit the only way you learn is by experience so id say start off with a small project then keep expanding until you get and ORPG.
In response to Miran94
So you're saying that basically rushing in to something, not matter how small it may be, without prior study is a lot more better than studying the language, having an idea what to do (so it cuts down time asking for every little thing), and a better understanding of how to make your game run?

You know how foolish you sound? XD Thanks for the laugh.

What you basically said is: "Hey, lets go make a car for our metal class project. Forget reading the instructions and learning other background stuff, it's easy to make... who needs goggles for wielding?! It's easy."
Yeah... keep bad tips to yourself, m'kay? If it was a complete waste of time, why would we have it and refer people to read it MANY times?

Just because YOU are unable to LEARN from it, it does not mean that others will suffer the same problem... all it needs is time and effort.

- GhostAnime
In response to Miran94
Miran94 wrote:
DM guide and every tutorial is just a buch of words they arent usefull not one bit the only way you learn is by experience so id say start off with a small project then keep expanding until you get and ORPG.

No. The DM Guide teaches you the basics and essentials for making a BYOND game. Sure, it doesn't teach you how to make an ORPG or a "really awesome game", but it does teach you everything you need to get near that goal.
Not reading the DM Guide will severely hamper your ability to produce clean, efficent and sane code.

Think of DM like a language: while you COULD learn Chinese by constantly being in the presence of a Chinese guy who constantly talks Chinese all the time, you won't learn nearly as much until you open a book which teaches you the basics of Chinese, how words are formed, the alphabet and basic words and prenouncations. Only after reading such a book your Chinese friend may be able to help.
The same applies for DM: while you COULD learn DM by looking at other people's (possibly bad, uncommented and inefficent) code snippets, you won't nearly learn as much as when you open up the DM Guide and learn the basics.
In response to Android Data
Android Data wrote:
...while you COULD learn DM by looking at other people's (possibly bad, uncommented and inefficent) code snippets...

Yeah, that is really sad, a great deal of the demos (even some libraries) here are poorly coded, and people are supposedly supposed to learn from them.
In response to Android Data
Android Data wrote:
Miran94 wrote:
DM guide and every tutorial is just a buch of words they arent usefull not one bit the only way you learn is by experience so id say start off with a small project then keep expanding until you get and ORPG.

No. The DM Guide teaches you the basics and essentials for making a BYOND game. Sure, it doesn't teach you how to make an ORPG or a "really awesome game", but it does teach you everything you need to get near that goal.
Not reading the DM Guide will severely hamper your ability to produce clean, efficent and sane code.

Think of DM like a language: while you COULD learn Chinese by constantly being in the presence of a Chinese guy who constantly talks Chinese all the time, you won't learn nearly as much until you open a book which teaches you the basics of Chinese, how words are formed, the alphabet and basic words and prenouncations. Only after reading such a book your Chinese friend may be able to help.
The same applies for DM: while you COULD learn DM by looking at other people's (possibly bad, uncommented and inefficent) code snippets, you won't nearly learn as much as when you open up the DM Guide and learn the basics.

yeah AD is completly right, take it from a guy who learned from zeta coding, big mistake on my part >_>. But yeah i eventually read the DM guild(which is very recently, yes "Lolz") and i have realized that some of my coding methods have been WAY off track, so yeah, by reading a few chapters, my coding abilities have increased quit a bit, i recommend reading it