Nov 21 2006, 1:46 pm
I made a video tutorial for my game and what I'd like to do is so when you click the different tutorial lessons it will show the video in the browser. Instead of having to make a webpage and linking them to it, could I just upload it to the game itself and let them see it in the DMCGI forum? If so, could someone tell me how I would go about doing this?
In response to Android Data
Meh. Either way I try to load the source it's giving me the usual "BYOND Central Is Not Accessible" bull. Opened, saved and opened, nothing. I'm very familiar with this disappointment lately. Most important BYONDscape files I need to read up on do that to me also. -_-
In response to Muyoine Guyinne
You can't run DMCGI applications properly in DreamSeeker. You need a webserver which supports DMCGI and allows you to use it in order to test your application.
DMCGI forums? Well, I made hub://AndroidData.forumlib2 which may come in handy if you want ingame forums.