Problem description:I cant seem to make a watch code that lets people watch and see what players in the rpg say when they use say.Can you please help me with this code.
Nov 19 2006, 8:37 pm
Nov 20 2006, 2:00 am
Ha. This one's easy! The reason its not working, is because you forgot to type the code.
In response to CuriousNeptune
It dont work man i cant get it so if u can make me a code or help me modify this one to work so people can see say please.mob/verb/Watch(mob/m in world)// a verb
view() << "[src] says:<font color=green>[T]</font>" if(m == usr)//if you look at yourself it will do this usr.client:perspective = MOB_PERSPECTIVE//this sets the client perspective to the usr, making the eye black when out of range(dont really know why you would want that on at all really). else//if its not you it will do this usr.client:perspective = EYE_PERSPECTIVE//this sets the client perspective to the usr eye, making the eye not go black if out of range. usr.client:eye = m// it will set your eye to who you look at |