
Problem description:I cant seem to make a watch code that lets people watch and see what players in the rpg say when they use say.Can you please help me with this code.
Ha. This one's easy! The reason its not working, is because you forgot to type the code.
In response to CuriousNeptune
It dont work man i cant get it so if u can make me a code or help me modify this one to work so people can see say please.mob/verb/Watch(mob/m in world)// a verb
view() << "[src] says:<font color=green>[T]</font>"

if(m == usr)//if you look at yourself it will do this
usr.client:perspective = MOB_PERSPECTIVE//this sets the client perspective to the usr, making the eye black when out of range(dont really know why you would want that on at all really).
else//if its not you it will do this
usr.client:perspective = EYE_PERSPECTIVE//this sets the client perspective to the usr eye, making the eye not go black if out of range.
usr.client:eye = m// it will set your eye to who you look at