Hey, sorry to keep peppering you guys with questions, but I was wondering if there is anyway to make instances in BYOND. You know, like in other MMOs, where a certain area only contains the party that went there, any other party that enters that place will be in a new instance of the place.

I was looking at "rooms" but they seem daunting and sound like they don't even allow for GUI.

So is there a way to do it? and how?
You can use a program to dynamically load and save maps. There are a few on BYOND, but by far, Lummox JR's SwapMaps library. You could also use IainPeregrine's /dmp_writer library for dynamic map saving and his /dmp_reader library for dynamic map loading. A good thing about these is that they both use .dmp files, while Lummox's program needs to be in .sav or .txt format. I also have a library, pif_MapLoader, that does the same as /dmp_writer and /dmp_reader, but they're in one library, and mine has more functionality.