Hello, I purchased a tile set awhile back and wanted to use it in my project on Byond. Is there any way to set up a tile palette similar to how you can in Unity or RPGmaker, where you can see the entire tileset on one side and you can just drag and drop to the map editor? I would be okay with a dirty workaround too, as long as I can use the tileset.


You can go ahead and splice it up in too DMIs yourself or I do believe there is a project on the site that has a converter, not sure how well it works depending on the tile set.

After which you won't get anything like RPG maker where the entire full tile set is visible and you drag out multiple at once to place.

You can achieve that kind of feature by creating a blank map where you build the tile set down so you can copy and paste sections from there.
Do you happen to know where that converter is? I’m not sure how to go about splicing this tile set up