Hey, is there a way to make a marco in a state panel list, like this


becasue i know it's possable to make a marco with stuffs in the contents list. Oh and the marco i'm speaking of is the one from the Dream Seeker Prefrence Marco list.
I don't understand your question, but you should go ahead and check out hub://Crashed.crashMacros.
In response to Crashed
i'm saying,is there a way, like you know in dream seeker and in the preference macro list there .south & .north and so on, but in case i want to know if just like that, there's a way for something to be done about something from the stat panel list, like .click.Meaga Move, and that attack is in my stat panel Attack list. Understand now?
In response to Sayian Hunter
Sayian Hunter wrote:
i'm saying,is there a way, like you know in dream seeker and in the preference macro list there .south & .north and so on, but in case i want to know if just like that, there's a way for something to be done about something from the stat panel list, like .click.Meaga Move, and that attack is in my stat panel Attack list. Understand now?

Read through what you said, from the point of view of someone who doesn't know your problem, and ask yourself that question.