icon = 'furni.dmi'
icon_state = "08"
obj/verb/use(m as mob in world)
set category ="Toilet"
m << "[m] uses the toilet"
icon = 'furni.dmi'
icon_state = "081"
obj/verb/flush(m as mob in world)
set category="Toilet"
m << "[m] flushes the toilet"
icon = 'furni.dmi'
icon_state = "08"
basically it has 2 verbs... which go in a seperate category...i dont think on touch...and when you use it turns into a toilet with brown water...and flush is clean water...but there is errors in it, help? how would you make it on touch?
instead of making a verb, you can either edit the obj proc Click(). This will work if they use the mouse to click on it.
If you want the action to happen when you bump into it, you need to modify mob/Bump().
Look up these built in procs to find thier usage. Also, make sure to indent. It looks like the code you provide lacks that when setting the verbs...