iv got objs with verbs belonging to them then im adding them to src.contents += obj

however the verbs do not apper at all. they used to but now they dont and i ant got a clue why? please help
One improtant thing would be to give us the code >_>
In response to Oak Tree
did you have the "set src" line in eg:

set src in usr //look up settings(verb) in F1.. this makes the verb appear to the usr if the obj is in the usr's contents

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
Usually I don't have to do that...
In response to SSJ-Chao
Well, what would you put before?
In response to Dragon_fire6653
icon = 'rock.dmi'
set src in oview(1)

Something like that. The "set src in oview(1)" made it so if you were around it, you could pick it up. Otherwise, if it's in you, or in your inventory(usr.contents) then it would show the Drop() verb automatically without me having to do anything.
In response to SSJ-Chao
Kaio, with the oview() being set to 1, rather than 0, anyone around the object could pick it up. If you'd prefer it to only allow the person ontop of it to use the verb, it should be a 0.
In response to Edge IV
Edge IV wrote:
Kaio, with the oview() being set to 1, rather than 0, anyone around the object could pick it up. If you'd prefer it to only allow the person ontop of it to use the verb, it should be a 0.

I'm sure he already knows that >_> it was just an example.Sheesh.
In response to Dragon_fire6653
Yes I did know that :P