In many games, when you go into the Battle Screen, it has it's own battle theme. My question is, how would I do this? I would apprechiate any help if you know already, and would be very grateful... I have been trying forever.
Thanks for your time!
Sep 10 2006, 3:23 pm
Sep 10 2006, 3:31 pm
In Dreak Maker press F1 and type in sound.
In response to SuperAntx
It doesn't tell me how I can have music for like, a town, and then it to change during a battle and then back after the battle..
In response to Hell's Baphomet
To do that would would have to call sound() when you enter a battle or enter a town.
In response to SuperAntx
I think it would be something like this...
mob/var/entered_town_one And for a battle thing... mob |
In response to SSJ-Chao
YES! It worked! Thank you so much