Aug 17 2006, 1:34 pm
As the title says, whenever I host my game that I have up, it says it's hosted, but it doesn't show up, and people can't join it. How do I fix that, if anyone can help?
In response to DarkD3vil666
Ahhhh... maby this could help, this is my world.
world |
In response to DarkD3vil666
DarkD3vil666 wrote:
Well maybe you don't have the hub created or you don't have the code that you need so that you can host. This is the code... world The view is how big the game screen is. That doesn't help your problem. Anyway's if you have that, maybe you have a router that doesn't alow you to host. Well it does but no one can join. Dark has it right... you are most likely not setting a hub path variable on your world, so the game will not show up on your hub. And make sure you don't have something like visibility = 0 or something too |
In response to DarkD3vil666
Thank you, all of you guys, that was the problem. I didn't know you had to do that, but yeah, thanks again! It really helped!
The view is how big the game screen is. That doesn't help your problem. Anyway's if you have that, maybe you have a router that doesn't alow you to host. Well it does but no one can join.